Choose Your Steps Wisely
Your footprints may be followed by others. Like you, I walk in the footsteps of my female forebears. The fine details of whose lives I
Home > be true to yourself
Your footprints may be followed by others. Like you, I walk in the footsteps of my female forebears. The fine details of whose lives I
Meet Warrior Woman. She is my representation of feminine strength inspired by different women from different backgrounds. I was moved to draw her because I
When I was 39, I had some glamour shots taken. Because I was leaving my 30’s behind. Because I wanted to remember how I looked
We’re all strong, even when we’d rather not have to be. In this post pandemic world women need their collective and individual strength more than
There are two powerful things every woman can do to advance gender equity; develop your self worth and become a role model for other women.
‘Let me know when you catch that train you’re chasing,’ he said. I remember thinking to myself, ‘Train … what is he talking about?’ As I
Paige is a whip smart dynamo who has three children under age three, including unruly twin boys nick-named ‘Des’ and ‘Troy’ by great grandma. Paige
‘Why do you think the chickens would like the water?’ the young mother asked 4-year-old miss. Curiosity Got the Better of Me My head turned
Yes, they’re all linked. Let me show you how. This morning I attended the most energising discussion about overcoming the barriers to gender equity I’ve
I pressed the snooze button on my clock-radio and gathered the bedclothes up to my chin. The comfort of my bed was made appealing by