In a world crowded with advice for women, it’s time to decide what's right for you.
Are you trying to reconcile being successful with staying true to yourself?
Have you read the books and heard the advice, but don’t know where to start?
Hello, I’m Jacqui Alder. I’m here because I’m over women being told what and how they should be. You don’t need to be fixed because there’s nothing wrong with you.
I learned this the hard way and now I know better. I now know that the path to making it easier to stay true to yourself begins and ends with you. This is why I’ve created the beautiful books you’ll find here.
Each book is designed to help you hear yourself so you can put your energy into living a life guided by your values rather than worrying whether you’re doing the right thing by everyone else.
“This journal was the voice telling me it was okay to be myself.” Claire George said this about the luxury version of Clarity Simplicity Success for Women (pictured).
I've been you.
Feeling torn between my responsibilities and my own needs. Trying to work out why everyone else’s version of success felt like I was being untrue to myself. Knowing I’ve got to do ‘something’ to get myself back on track.
I discovered my answer and it’s unique to me. Likewise, your answer is unique to you.
Discovering your answer involves asking yourself the right questions.
But what are the questions? Now those I have. I’ve put them into the resources at the heart of this site – for women. For you.

I’m excited to announce that my new book, Being You, is now available. It represents an evolution of my work here and what I’ve learned from you.
I began with the Clarity Simplicity Success for Women self-coaching journal which now comes in two versions; the standard version, and the luxury version which includes the option to access e-mail support from me.
Equivalent to a 12-month coaching program, this coach in a book is a tool for deep reflection that helps you define what success means to you and guides you to attain that success. It warms my heart that it has now helped women from around the globe who tell me using it has been an empowering and transformational experience.
The journal isn’t alone. It’s joined by a series of shorter self-coaching guides covering a range of topics, including self-confidence.
On this site you’ll also find articles, a free values exercise from the journal, other free resources for you to download and videos.
I have many other things on the drawing board. My team of me, myself, and I are working as quickly as possible and will add these as soon as I create them.
Giving you a unique experience
You have a busy life. Fitting more into your energy budget, your schedule or your head space is difficult – if not impossible. Which usually means you end up on the bottom of your own priority list. You know better, you know you need to take care of yourself – but …
I want to help you break this cycle. I want to help you replace ‘but’ with ‘and’.
And I can make myself equal in priority. And I am worthy. And I give myself permission to make it happen.
I realise you need something different. Which is why my books are experiences with images and words that speak to your subconscious.
It takes time to peel back the layers and listen to yourself.
There’s also a very personal reason – I share it on the ‘How It Started’ page.