Choose Your Steps Wisely
Your footprints may be followed by others. Like you, I walk in the footsteps of my female forebears. The fine details of whose lives I
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Your footprints may be followed by others. Like you, I walk in the footsteps of my female forebears. The fine details of whose lives I
Does it matter? ‘It doesn’t matter,’ she said. I wanted to turn away from her, but I couldn’t. She had my hands firmly gripped in
Normal wasn’t working well for women before the pandemic. What is passing for normal in this (almost) post-pandemic world isn’t either. Yes, we have more
If there’s one occasion that makes my blood boil, it’s International Women’s Day. I write these words on International Women’s Day 2022, a day that has
There are two powerful things every woman can do to advance gender equity; develop your self worth and become a role model for other women.
We’re all strong, even when we’d rather not have to be. In this post pandemic world women need their collective and individual strength more than
There are two powerful things every woman can do to advance gender equity; develop your self worth and become a role model for other women.
Is It True That Women Lack Confidence? There’s a long-standing narrative that women don’t put themselves forward and lack confidence when compared to men.
‘Let me know when you catch that train you’re chasing,’ he said. I remember thinking to myself, ‘Train … what is he talking about?’ As I
The Self-Confidence Trap: unrealistic expectations about how self-confident we ‘should’ feel, which in turn damage our self-confidence.