Jacqui Alder writing in a journal whilst seated at a table in her back garden. She us wearing a burgundy top. Figurine bust of girl reading in the left foreground.

You and I are real – we have lives.

We all know social media isn’t a real world.


However, you and I are: real. 


We have lives. Lives that aren’t curated and don’t follow the rules set by an algorithm. Messy beautiful unpredictable lives; the human experience. Somehow, you and I seem to have been enticed to expect perfection of ourselves and of life.

Perfect what? According to whose definition?

I can now see the standards for perfection my younger self had set for me were as inhumane as the algorithms; set according to a logic that defines sameness as the ideal regardless how terrible said sameness is.

We are not the same.


If we were, we wouldn’t be human.

Our infinite human difference is the colour, the light, the music, and the magic of us: you and me. Our only sameness lies in our equal humanity.

Choose to forgive yourself for your imperfections; they exist only as a fog across your perception.

Open your heart to yourself, open your arms to life, and let yourself be: be you.

With love, Jacqui

Be Successful, Be Yourself

Hi, I’m Jacqui Alder. I’m here because I’m over women being told what and how they should be.

Smiling Jacqui Alder wearing blue top in a cafe with her book

You don’t need to be fixed, there’s nothing wrong with you. 

I learned this the hard way and now I know better. I now know that the path to making it easier to stay true to yourself begins and ends with you. This is why I’ve created the beautiful books you’ll find here.

Each book is designed to help you hear yourself so you can put your energy into living a life guided by your values rather than worrying whether you’re doing the right thing by everyone else.

If you want to meet me in person or virtually, feel free to contact me. I also invite you to take a look my latest book, Being You, download the guided values exercise from my self coaching journal, or take a peek at my slightly cheeky about me page.

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